Muther's Red Carpet Advice!
Dress at your own risk! RED LIPSTICK MOVIE Screening Nov 12 @ 7 PM * Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea 260 West 23rd Street NYC
Muther's Pearls
RED LIPSTICK is a secret weapon that everyone should have in their bag! So get packing and come to the RED LIPSTICK MOVIE Screening Nov...
Saturday Night Last Minute Advice!
Stop worrying whether the glass is half-empty or half-full. Worry that there's someone else's RED LIPSTICK on the rim!
Muther Trapped in the closet with Miss Understood!
Put on the right shade of RED LIPSTICK and you can conquer the world! #MissUnderstood #Outofthecloset #RedLIpstickthemovie
Muther's National Sammich Day Gems
Sammich all that negativiity between two heavy layers of praise! Don't forget, a little RED LIPSTICK will add 6 inches of confidence!
Muther’s All Souls Day Tips!
New isn’t always better! When things get dire…there’s always mushrooms! We are all born naked… and the rest is a drag! Everyone should...